A woman in my live group coaching said this week:
There are days when I wake up and you just feel “off”.
I’m not feeling “sick” exactly but I also know I’m not well.
There is always a reason when you don’t feel well.
We’re all more sensitive than we like to think –
So it could be someone said something that didn’t sit well with you.
Or you saw something on TV or social media, violence, aggression of some kind, that touched a nerve inside of you.
Or it could be the inflammation in your body, a side effect of medication, is contributing to you not feeling well.
The question becomes…
How do you take care of yourself to start feeling better?
The first step is to let go of expectations you had for yourself for the day.
No matter what was on “the list”, that list needs to become much shorter.
If you work outside of the home, only do what needs to be done for the day.
And take a nap or lie down, if at all possible, during your break.
Secondly, be meticulous with your food, supplements, Healing Smoothie and exercise.
All of these new healthy habits are about nurturing yourself.
There’s a tendency when we’re not feeling well to reach for “comfort food”.
This is not the day to “veer off the healing path” of these new habits.
And then there’s the incessant chatter we have going on in our minds about every aspect of our lives.
Become aware of how you’re talking to yourself.
Are your thoughts supportive of you taking it easy this day?
Or is your mind giving you a hard time with all the things you “should be” doing and are just not able.
If you take a day to rest and nurture yourself…
The next day can be a little better.